First Post

So after several month admiring other artist, designers and animators blogs I wanted to give blogging another shot, the first go was highly unsuccessful.

Here are some of the sketches I created for an online community called mojizu.

With Basie I originally drew him with a beer can but changed his beverage of choice to a wine. But hes still an oaf.

Rough Sketch of Basie

Rough Sketch of Basie

Baxter his more refined, he appreciates the bouquet of a fine 2006 Sauvignon Blanc.

Baxter has refined tastes

Baxter has refined tastes

Link to Basie on Mojizu

Link to Baxter on Mojizu

After I bring my characters into Illustrator I alter their shapes a lot. Especially shrinking and stretching them to get a more playful or exaggerated posture.

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