So.. I have been slacking on the blog but not because of a lack of motivation. Just some other super secret stuff has been occupying my time.
Here is a “modify” sketch I’m working on for me and Illustration Friday.
Not sure if im done with this or not. Created with photoshop and my sketchbook. I used stock for reference for the kid.
LOL. He ended up looking like a Corgi.
There has been this cute video of a Jerboa going around the web so i figured i’d do a moji of him. I’ll use him for the Illustration Friday topic “adapt” as well, hence the robot legs.
I havent posted to Illustration Friday in a bit. Here is a skecth with some tones for the theme “Contagious.” Im gonna put some nice germs in the jar and in the background behind the kid.
Here is one of the space invaders I’m working on for both Dizzles Mame cab and the Illustration Friday Theme Hierarchy. The themes actually go together pretty well. Still in the rough stages, figuring out colors and textures.