So I love the site OObject. And they have a series on flying helmets. I was inspired by the RFC uniforms and gear. Vintage, Steam punk always wanted to dabble in it.
Next Moji I suppose.
I went to the Baltimore Dr. Sketchy’s a few weeks ago and this week I went back to MICA for a life drawing session. Figure drawing kick i guess. Obsession du jour.
It was funny that I haven’t been back to MICA in years much less a life drawing class and the model turns out to be a guy I’ve drawn a million times (very lanky and a good model). Somethings never change I guess.
This is from a sassy Brigitte Bardot photo.
FYI. Graphite becomes very soluble on absorbent papers.
Playing around with the copics markers i just got.
I think i’ll like them once i get used to the way they apply color.
This weekend I was taken to the wonderful Eric Carle Museum in Massachusetts. Eric Carle might be best know for his childrens books about caterpillars, created with simple but fun paper and paint techniques.
So I was inspired by the furry little worm like creatures. These guys look nothing like Carles’ but maybe I’ll paint them using the same vibrant colors he chose for his images.
Maybe use this guy for the site banner.
I sat in front of the TV watching dancing with the stars while drawing wabbits from reference material.
Here are my other sketches as i hop from one to the other. I have a few other ideas but i think i need to limit it to 4 for now so i don’t get side tracked.