Here are some of the Space Invader peons I’ve been working on.
Here is one of the space invaders I’m working on for both Dizzles Mame cab and the Illustration Friday Theme Hierarchy. The themes actually go together pretty well. Still in the rough stages, figuring out colors and textures.
So this guy Xav (who is an awesome illustrator) posted a new thread on school girls. Growing up in a Catholic school for eight years i had to contribute. I really like the 2-D hop scotch squares. I like that 2-d 3-d play. I did another variation with a different mouth and slightly different eyes maybe I’ll post it.
So i posted my other lena sketch, pin-up, moji whatever on the drawing board and kinda got called out on not drawing hands and feet. It was a half fair comment. So i updated with a new one but she looked too sad. Plus i saw some of the pics from the sketchy session and she wasnt wearing blue at all. Lame. So here is an update to an update to an update.
I made this pinup moji based on some figure drawing at Dr. Sketchys Baltimore. This outfit was from the quick poses but was so sassy I wanted to make it a moji.
There is a new Sheriff in town. And he’s a drunk.
This image is for Illustration Friday. The theme this week is “Legendary.” I immediately thought of sports legends.