Currently Browsing: Sketches

Pet Store Colored



I’m not really done with coloring but I wanted to post my progress.

Pet Store



Petshop sketch.

Chibi Tutorial

Chibi Tutorial

Chibi Tutorial

I have been on a quest to improve technique in drawing and shading so i figured I’d break down the steps from a chibi artist I like (Endling). I’m not saying this is the way he does it but it seems like a quick valid process.

Long Eared Jerboa

There has been this cute video of a Jerboa going around the web so i figured i’d do a moji of him. I’ll use him for the Illustration Friday topic “adapt” as well, hence the robot legs.

long eared jerboa

long eared jerboa

Random Girl From a Mag

I’ve been working on some vector flash stuff lately but here’s a quick sketch of a girl along with some space ship outline shapes.

Girl and Ships

Girl and Ships




I havent posted to Illustration Friday in a bit.  Here is a skecth with some tones for the theme “Contagious.” Im gonna put some nice germs in the jar and in the background behind the kid.

One Space Invader

Lonely Space Invader

Lonely Space Invader

Here is one of the space invaders I’m working on for both Dizzles Mame cab and the Illustration Friday Theme Hierarchy. The themes actually go together pretty well. Still in the rough stages, figuring out colors and textures.

Other RFC Flying Toki Sketches

RFC Flying Toki Sketches

RFC Flying Toki Sketches

Space Invaders

Space Invaders

Space Invaders

Heres my take on Space Invaders 2.0. Theses are some sketches for my friends mame cab.

Sable Sin Cyr

Sable Sin Cyr

Sable Sin Cyr

I felt like i was sucking at art drawing tonight at the Baltimore Dr. Sketchy. But at the last pose  i was kinda happy.

The model Sable Sin Cyr was really awesome and sassy. She has a Shit-shund (dachshund-Shih tzu combo) which is funny cause im not a fan of the shitzu but i really like my guy  baxter

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